The election happened last Sunday. The ruling centre-left government and its parties lost seats, though the Social Democrats could recoup some of their losses from other governing parties. The right-wing parties won a resounding victory, though it remains to be seen whether the neoliberal National Coalition, now the top party, will build a right-wing government with the nationalist Finns Party or a centrist liberal government with the Social Democrats. Many options will be considered.
More on this and the past four years can be read from the following article, by me:
What Happened in Finland
In other news, Turkey voted though NATO accession (which then happened this Tuesday), completing this long-running narrative arc, and the housing market is showing signs of sluggishness. It also seems like the Finnish mainstream media is finally starting to become aware about the AI development and its potentials, but we’ll see how that discussion will develop.
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Thanks for these recaps, been useful catching up in the wake of the election.