EUROVISION FEVER: I wrote about the Eurovision yesterday. When it comes to Finland specifically in this Eurovision, it cannot be underlined enough how the whole country was in the grips of absolute Eurovision mania for a week preceding the event. Already before the contest there were strong signs that this year Finland would do well in the contest, setting the stage for a runup where various green goods would sell like hotcakes in preparation for Eurovision parties and organization after organization changed their profile pictures to resemble the iconic look of
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Finnish News Recap, Week 19: Eurovision Mania…
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EUROVISION FEVER: I wrote about the Eurovision yesterday. When it comes to Finland specifically in this Eurovision, it cannot be underlined enough how the whole country was in the grips of absolute Eurovision mania for a week preceding the event. Already before the contest there were strong signs that this year Finland would do well in the contest, setting the stage for a runup where various green goods would sell like hotcakes in preparation for Eurovision parties and organization after organization changed their profile pictures to resemble the iconic look of